Scientists and Engineers

Solutions to two major problems in physics are covered.

The first is linked to the video on the front page and shows:-

1. A new theory on the Creation of the Universe.

2. A solution that yields ‘Quantum gravity’.

Both are covered in mathematical detail in several books available via this site.

The books also show what dark matter must be. Brief descriptions of these solutions appear later in this website as does an explantion of the video on the opening page.

The new solutions took over 20 years of work. It took that long as it needed to stand up to the closest scrutiny such that it was free from flaws and matched all observations made so far.

Before our video can be adequately explained, however, a little background needs to be presented because the solution had to come from the branch of physics known as ‘mechanical engineering’. If only this discipline were recognised as ‘Engineering Physics” – which is what it really is – then the information covered by our trilogy might not have been suppressed to the degree in which is has been in the past.

If assessors of scientific journals are unable to fault submissions and reject them without identifying faults in the logic then this defines the meaning of suppression as used here.



Theory of Creation Quantum Gravity Creation Solved Grand theory of Unification Relativity wong Big Bang wrongation survival physics